Shito-Ryu Characteristics | Techniques 糸東流 特徴 | 手法

Section : Technical Insight Title: Shitoryu Karatedo History 糸東流歴史
Shitoryu Karate style integrated mainly four karate systems known as Shuri-Te, Naha-Te, Tomari-Te, Hakkaku Ken, and Ryukyu Kobujustu. All four karate systems have versatile fighting methods practiced in one karate style Shitoryu. A Shitoryu karate practitioner should understand and learn all the distinctive systems separately understanding their principles, and specialties without intermingling.
Shito-Ryu focuses on the dynamic use of long (Zenkutsu) and short (Moto) stances with linear non-telegraph moves which are extremely fast and powerful of Itosu-ha. It also uses dynamic tension breathing techniques (sanchin/tensho), circular moves (mawashi uke), and deep, lower stances (Shiko, Neko Ashi Dachi) of Higaonna-ha. Along with Shuri-Te, Naha-Te and Tomari-Te Shitoryu also focus on Hakkaku Ken (Crane’s fist) techniques derived from Chinese martial arts by Go-Kenki.
Sensei Kenwa Mabuni also developed five principles of defense known as Uke no go gensoku (受けの五原則), Uke no go genri (受けの五原理) or Uke no go ho (受けの五法).
This versatile combination makes Shitoryu a unique karate style with techniques that in nature, are strong, powerful, dynamic, and artistically beautiful.
In addition, Tenshin (Happo) eight directional movements a body evasion method used during combat. It also consists of 4 elements of Japanese Bujutsu “Gan (vision/eyes), Soku (footwork/leg), Tan (mind/spirits), and Riki (strength/power)”.